Student Solution


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4 Subjects

3.23 Lowenstein

3.23 Lowenstein

Q 3.23 Lowenstein How does Lowenstein attempt to diffuse the borders and divisions between her Afro-Caribbean students and the Jewish community? Instructions: 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences (keep in mind the project themes). 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to a specific passage from the reading in your own words. 3. Keep in mind the guidelines for understanding the reading and writing a good post. 4. Comment on one other post, elaborating, clarifying, or giving examples. 5. Extra points for responding to a comment on your initial post.

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Lowenstien attempted to diffuse the border and divisions between her Afro-Caribbean students and the Jewish community by creating a safe space to bring and allow other students to share their different opinions on subjects like the holocaust and the LGBTQ community, negative or positive, even though she’s a lesbbie. In the passage, “Confronting Stereotypes: MAUS in crown Heights” by Andreas Lowenstein, it states,“My selection of Maus, then represents an effort to bring together two parts of identity and engage them in dialogue and an attempt to move the students and myself through such periods of alienation and mistrust, instead of leaving us stuck “ between a rock and a hard place(432).”